Sunday, October 29, 2006

Tolland To Holland

I made it across the big pond to Amsterdam. Not a bad trip really. Here are a few things I noticed along the way.

I never was at the international terminal at Philadelphia airport, but of course I was there this time. It was very strange. You walk around the rest of the airport and the C and B concourses look the same. Then you turn down the A terminal and it is a whole different airport. First of all it was dark. In fact I could sum it up by saying it was a dark concrete tunnel, with florescent lighting and bus station style black seats. Very strange. There were also these kiosk machines there that foreigners leaving the U.S. had to line up to use. At the machine, they had to give their left and right fingerprints and smile for a nice digital photo. Uncle Sam is watching you people. I wonder why they do it on the way out though?

Here's another thing. Flying business class is sweet. Big reclining seats. Food and drinks. Even your own personal television. There were a few movies on. I watched most of The Da Vinci Code, but it was a dumb movie and I turned it off towards the end so I could get some sleep.

I got here around 9a.m Amsterdam time. Not much happens in this town on a Sunday morning, but now it is hopping. I spent the day walking around the center of town here and doing some souvenier shopping. Although, it was a little strange seeing the head shops, "coffee" shops, and sex shops at first, the novelty wears off fast and becomes pretty boring. Now my legs are tired so I'm glad to be in this internet cafe sitting down for a change.


Anonymous said...

How's the queen? Did she let you call her by her first name?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the cheese!